Dr Thomas Campbell

Arc Connections with Dr. Thomas Campbell

Please join The Arc of Monroe for our Arc Connections event with guest speaker, Dr. Thomas Campbell, M.D.

When: Monday, Dec. 16th, 2019
Time: 6:00 pm
Place: Nazareth College
4245 East Ave. Rochester, NY 14618
Shults Center-Forum Room
FREE COMMUNITY EVENT with refreshments
Space is limited, registration required.
To register, fill out the form below,
call (585) 672-2222, or email mfico@arcmonroe.org

Following Dr. Campbell’s presentation we will have tables with staff from The Arc of Monroe, to provide information and answer questions regarding all programs and services that we offer to help support people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD).

Dr. Campbell Bio:
Dr. Thomas Campbell, M.D. is the Medical Director of the Highland Weight Management & Lifestyle Center, where he works with individuals and groups to prevent and treat chronic conditions using diet and lifestyle. He has authored or co-authored two popular books on nutrition, including “The China Study”, a worldwide bestseller, and has presented widely on the topic of nutrition for optimal health.

Arc Connections provides an opportunity for people to connect within the space of community inclusion, receive access to educational resources, participate in discussions, and to learn more about services offered to people with intellectual or developmental disabilities.


Dec 16 2019


6:00 pm

To ask any questions or to report concerns about our compliance with Medicaid requirements, you can contact our Compliance Hotline by calling 585-448-3588 or going to https://www.ethcomp.com/arcofmonroe. You can share questions or concerns anonymously or confidentially. Thank you!

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Have a question? Not sure where to start? Please fill out the form below, and we will be happy to help you.
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